Photographer David Godlis, left, with camera talking to film-maker Matt Kohn
Alexander spent most of the event with his book and this
comfy chair
The stars of the show; Crawdaddy! zines and Das Energi handwritten manuscript. Everything was beautifully displayed. These camera-phone photos hardly convey how lovingly the show was put together by the Boo-Hooray curator and staff.
Paul's books of "common sense philosophy"
Boo-Hooray filming while Lenny Kaye and I play a few songs..he sings Like A Rolling Stone, and I sing, I Just Wasn't Made For These Times, both among Paul's favorite songs.
Steve Greenberg from S-Curve Records and Lenny Kaye
Boo-Hooray curator Johan Kugelberg, clb, Geoffrey Weiss
Listening to journalist Wayne Robins read from Paul's book Outlaw Blues. With Paul's longtime friend/poet Ellen Sander looking over some of his manuscripts and letters
Ira Robbins (Trowser Press) leaned over and said to me, "you don't see this particular crowd come out very often". I could feel the heart of the room, as writers and performers alike read, wandered through and paid homage to the books, inspired writings and spirit Paul Williams.
Thank you to everyone at Boo-Hooray for an exhibit full of heart and respect. And thank you to all of you that attended
Below is an email from Michael Lydon, a rock journalist, musician and friend of Pauls:
ReplyDeleteDear Cindy,
Just gotta say: Sunday was so good in every way!! Good to see you! Good to see Paul's work so beautifully, interestingly, and respectfully laid out. Good to see so many people who knew Paul in different ways and at different times. Good that you spoke, and that you and Lenny played and sang, and got everybody singing. Good that Ellen, and Wayne read. So good that you encouraged me to do my song. Good to mingle and chat--we met numerous very interesting people.
You were a great hostess, but in a nutty way I felt that Paul was throwing the party, and he would have loved it, the low key but affectionate feeling, the way we all enjoyed each other, and I think that, modest as he is, he would have been pleased to feel all the admiration and interest in his work and his self.
Then Sunday night at the Treehouse, you sounded great, so many different colors in your guitar playing and voice, such good songs. You and Lenny make a sympathetic duo, and Alexander piped in just right. I'm sure the whole day added to his sense of what a fine man his Dad is.
My father was stricken with Parkinsonism when I was about four or five, and for the rest of his life, his mobility and his voice were always, slowly getting worse. Perhaps toughest of all, his stiffened face lost its ability to show much emotion, so we all often had little idea what he was thinking and feeling.
Yet I always, and today more than ever, love and admire my Dad, and I got from him everything a young fellow needs to get from a father. I bet this Sunday was an important day for Alander to know how all kinds of people respect and admire and love his father (and his Mom!!).
Much love from Ellen and me, thank you so much for creating that day to celebrate such a good guy!!!
Michael Lydon
ReplyDeleteLynn and I heard the sad news this morning. We loved Paul so much and will miss him forever. His illness turned me to stone, but his passing has broken that stone into grains of sand. Much love to you and Alexander.
Dan and Lynn Steffan
Thank you both. I loved getting to know the whole sf-fandom community through Paul...and miss him very much. I hope, Dan that you are still doing your wild illustrations...
DeleteThis one last party you threw in Paul's honor was, I'm sure, a fine wake. I'll continue to remember Paul as a gentle philosopher wishing that "All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well." Much sympathy.
ReplyDeleteIt seems as though Paul stayed around for his party. Perhaps he attended: he was good at moving between the planes of existence. I am glad to hear that you all were with him when he left for wherever he has gone. Much love to you and Alexander.
Thank you Eileen,
DeleteYes I like that very much: " he was good at moving between the planes of existence"
my sympathies to you and your son. I have been moved by your writing here and thought of you as soon as I saw the news. Much peace to you....
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing how lovingly this exhibition was put together.