Wednesday, March 27, 2019

"A Person's Vitality"

"A person's vitality - and I appreciate the humor of myself, a dead man, speaking of such things - is difficult to capture in words. Our friends race through our lives like shooting stars, and when, of an evening's conversation, we manage to enclose their fire and our own within a few hours and the space of a room, it is a taste of eternity, the true meaning of friendship." 
-Paul Williams (1948 - March 27, 2013)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I miss Paul's writings. He was a regular go-to guy when researching and better appreciating the work of Bob Dylan. His beautiful philosophical book about the log and the fire still touch me in moments when I doubt the validity of every day living. I wish her were still with us.

  3. I miss Paul's writings. He was a regular go-to guy when researching and better appreciating the work of Bob Dylan. His beautiful philosophical book, Remember Your Essence, with its images of the log and the fire, still touch me in moments when I doubt the validity of every day living. His spirit is one I really miss now in this world. I wish very much he were still with us.

  4. I miss Paul's writings. He was a regular go-to guy when researching and better appreciating the work of Bob Dylan. His beautiful philosophical book, Remember Your Essence, with its images of the log and the fire, still touch me in moments when I doubt the validity of every day living. His spirit is one I really miss now in this world. I wish very much he were still with us.

  5. Hello, somebody sent me some excerpts from "Common Sense" I posted them in a blog and have had several people say how much they resonate with it (about building a bridge) - it feels very much of this time we are in now - Spring 2020 ... I wanted to write and pass on one comment in particular and that is when i found teh whole poem and it feels so prophetic so i have posted that as well here and added in a little of Paul's life from your 2 blogs :

    Comment : " Our Time captured Perfectly Paul thank you. Now we stand on the Edge of Our Dreams BE-coming REAL-ity, Doubts, Seize the Moment to undermine us. Our plan is Divine Inspiration, can't fail, in our hearts we courageous ones have already built IT & will shine our Light upon for All who wish to follow. I Love the Simple Brevity of your poem packing such a strong message! "

    it is all fully accreditted but if you are not happy with any of it I will take it down - comment within the blog and I will see it. much love to you, it is a sadder story than i expected when i started to find out who had written it but also a very powerful and magnificent one. SND xxx
