Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy of Craw

Spending the afternoon with Paul. Gluten-free cupcakes and sunshine at the nursing home. 

I want to thank everybody that left comments here and on Facebook about how much Paul's writings have affected and/or influenced you. I read them all to him, every message,  and I could tell he was listening and their power was getting through to him. He still remembers who he is. Paul Williams the author, of over 30 books about; music, common-sense philosophy, Bob Dylan's performances, Philip K. Dick, Brian Wilson, and Crawdaddy Magazine...etc.. is still there, you can feel it, he's just gotten harder to access. 


  1. A slightly belated happy birthday to Paul, from me. Paul, I still think about the many contributions you've made that enrich my life.

    For one instance, I just today finished reading through the doorstopper Philip K. Dick Exegesis volume put together by Jonathan Lethem and others -- and am reminded that this access to his thoughts is possible only because of your heroic work in gathering up Phil's handwritten notes into file folders. (You were Phil's Immanuel Kant, either consciously or unconsciously, making it possible to organize his Prologema into categories.)

    Your faith (like Phil's ) that "All will be well" sticks with me. I still think of you when I experience the Unbroken Chain of free concerts that continues to this day in the clubs and ballrooms of the Koinos Kosmos -- while we're waiting for the Buddha's road vehicle to pull up in the Park. (

    Terrapin Station is a brick and mortar reality, today, in San Rafael. Phil Lesh and his Friends assemble to jam in his bar-restaurant almost every night:

    Cindy, I'm sorry I missed you in your recent San Francisco gig. Next time.

    1. Good morning, Cindy Lee, and happy belated birthday greetings to you, Paul! I hadn't read my copy of Das Energi in decades and, somewhat inexplicably, I decided to pull it out for a read. (And then, out of curiousity searched out Paul's info on the Internet, learned about his 1995 head injury, and subsequently found my way to this webpage.) Ultimately, the book is so pertinent, and even moreso to this particular time of change in the world. I was in my late teens when I was gifted Das Energi (after gifting it to a friend first!) while living in Victoria in the lat 70s. I was/am so grateful to know that we all are God and that because of this we already are, always have been, and always will be in Heaven.

      Just over a year and a half ago my 16 year old great-nephew in Victoria passed from cystic fibrosis. A few months ago I received a strangely beautiful e-mail notification via his old FaceBook page. It could easily have been perceived as a computer glitch, although I know now it wasn't. I have learned we are not bodies with souls but souls with temporary bodies. In researching more about energy and what it means (thanks to Paul's original inspiration through Das Energi), I've come to understand that when beings, like my 84 year old mother with Alzheimer's disease, appear to be 'somewhere else' and difficult to connect with or reach, they are actually 'on the Other Side' at those times and clearly, healthily and vividly present with you in spirit. And my point to this, and message to you Cindy Lee (from 'you know who'), is that you are being fully Loved, embraced and guided in next steps. And that deep down you already know this, and that the money to support Paul's medical needs will come. You can trust this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. GREAT!! I hoped for an update, just like this, on the other post and then found you've already done it. I think blogging on this whole experience with Paul is a fabulous approach. You never know what you may want to write in the future and you have this live journal to rely on for your own memories and feelings. From all of us who have ever been care-takers, YOU are the Queen. Namaste!!

  4. The way I remember it, it wasn't just about the music. In addition to thinking about sounds, my conversations with people I knew were about what they had discovered about life in general. We awaited the next Beatles or Dylan or Jefferson Airplane album to hear what they had discovered. We awaited the next issue of Crawdaddy to hear Paul's and other writers' insights and clues. There was a feeling that a whole community was seeking different ways to live and not all the same way ("do your own thing"). Paul's earlier and later writings were more explicitly philosophical and Crawdaddy was more than "rock criticism," contributing to a communal "what is real?" conversation.
